Sunday, February 14, 2010

First and hopefully not the last.

It has been a slow morning and I randomly decided, "hey you should blog".  Just write whatever comes out of that weird brain of yours and what not.  So here it is.  .....I am hoping to make this just a random assortment of my thoughts and daily happenings and hopefully a collaboration with my wife Mary-Catherine.  So we will see how it turns out and I am sure that there will be many interesting things to come.  Today is probably not one of them but you never know the day ain't over yet. 

Anyway Valentine's day promises to be quite interesting this year.  Mary-Catherine and I never really make a big deal out of it but this year we are actually going to get to go out on a date.  It is the first time in a long time too and I am quite excited.  even if she thinks I am trying to talk her out of the movie...which by the way I should probably buy tickets for now seeing as how they will be sold out if I wait.  Ok tickets are bought, hopefully Valentine's day the movie will be good.  Mary-Catherine spent all day yesterday babysitting while I had duty so it was only fair that she got to pick our date movie.  and for those of you who are going, "WTF is duty", In the Navy we have a rotation of people who have to stay onboard the ship for 24 hours...why, They say it is something to do with emegency situations. So once every six days I have the wonderful privilege of parking my butt on this ship to ultimately serve no real purpose and have to spend more time away from my family because deploying once a year isn't enough apparently.  anyway that is a discussion for another day.
All in all I just can't wait to get off work and get home so we can have a good couple of days off I really just need that little break this week. So wish us luck and I will let you know how it goes and hopefully we will have some pictures for you too.

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